Journal of Ayurveda and Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Volume 9, Issue 3, 2018
November 2018)
A Conceptual Study of Understanding the Effects of Phthalates on Human
Health and its Management with special reference To Dooshi Visha (Cumulative
Vijay Javagal1*,
Prakash L Hegde2 and Keerthana J3
Pages 1-9
Phytochemical and Antimicrobial Activity of Aqueous and Alcoholic Seed
Extract of Syzygium Cumini
Nandesh Mohan P1
and Shashirekha K.S2*
Pages 10-15
Review on Pharmaco-Therapeutic Profile of Chandraprava Vati w.s.r. to
Rasendra Sar Samgrah
Sushanta Kumar
Meher1*, Rabinarayan Acharya2
and Arun Kumar Das3
Pages 16-34
Trikatu and Madhu Pratisarana in Kukunaka- A Review
Rahul2, Abhinav Rathore3 and Rahul Nigam4
Pages 35-44
A Clinical Study to Evaluate the Efficacy of Khajita Pinda Taila in the
Symptomatic Management of Daha and Shoola of Vatarakta w.s.r to Diabetic
Vatsalya D
Ghanekar1* and Ashok Kumar B N2
Pages 45-52
Effect of Asta Ahara Vidhivisheshayatan on Annavaha Srotas
Patwari S
Monika1*, Kodape D T2 and
Dhimdhime R S3
Pages 53-61
Ayurvedic Management of Madhumeha
- A Case Study
Keerthana J1*,
Prakash L Hegde2 and Vijay Javagal3
Pages 62-68
Ayurvedic Management of Vicharchika Eczema-A Case Study
Urvashi M.
Belkhude1*, Prashant Baghe2
and Amol P. Vagre3
Pages 69-74
A Critical Review of Logical Aspects Related to Dravya Sangrahana
(Collection of Drugs) w.s.r to Audbhida Dravyas (Herbal Drugs)
Nandakumar1*, Vidyashree2, Ashok Kumar B N3,
Vidyanand Mohan4 and Ravindra Angadi5
Pages 75-81
A Scientific Review on Sanjivani Vati with special reference to its
Pharmacological Actions, Therapeutic Indications and Pharmaceutics
Tewari1*, Vimal Tewari2, Kuldeep3, Suhas Chaudhary4 and S.K. Tiwari5
Pages 82-92
Multidimensional Approach on Medhya Rasāyana Chathushkaya in Ayurveda-A
Madhumalika L P
C1* and Kulatunga R D H2
Pages 93-105
Critical Analysis on Ashtanga Yoga
Guruprasad K*
Pages 106-118
A Retrospective Study of Ghana Kalpana
Aparna Nandakumar2, Vatsalya D Ghanekar3, Ashok Kumar B N4,
Radhika Ranjan Geethesh P5 and Ravindra Angadi6
Pages 119-125
Role of Brihatyadi Taila Gandusha in the Management of Krimi Danta (Dental
Satya Prahash
Pathak1* and Poonam Pandey2
Pages 126-133
Rasaushadhis in Apasmara: A Review
Namitha R
Chandra1* and Gazala Hussain2
Pages 134-141
A Study on Medicinal Trees Found in Rajeev Gandhi South Campus, Barkaccha,
Ashwini Kumar
Kushwaha1* and Vinod Kumar Joshi2
Pages 142-162
Analytical Approach of Pranayama in Maintenance of Health
Aparna Singh1*,
Lowkesh Chandravanshi2 and Rekha Jain3
Pages 163-168
Clinical Efficacy of Vishamushtyadi Vati in Tobacco Addiction-A Randomized
Control Trial
Meena Kumari
Mahto1*, Anita Sharma2 and
Vinod Kumar Gothecha3
Pages 169-182
Vishaghna Dravyas of Bhavaprakasha Nighantu: A Review
Manpreet Kaur1*,
Anita Sharma2, Suparma Saha3 and Praveen Kumar4
Pages 183-193
Good Cultivation Practices of Sweta Musli (Chlorophytum borivilianum
Santapau & R. R. Fern.)
Vinita Tiwari*
Pages 194-203
Ayurvedic Method of Diagnosis and Management of Chronic Lead Toxicity
Manju Kumari1*,
Anita Sharma2 and Sharad M. Porte3
Pages 204-212
A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Clinical Study to Evaluate the Efficacy of Pinda
Taila and Khajita Pinda Taila in the Symptopmatic Management of Daha and
Shoola of Vatarakta w.s.r to Diabetic Neuropathy
Vatsalya D
Ghanekar1* and Ashok Kumar B N2
Pages 213-220
A Clinical Study to Evaluate the Efficacy of Gunja Taila in the Management
of Darunaka w.s.r to Dandruff and Seborrheic Dermatitis
Chetan Singh1*,
Surendra Kumar Sharma2 and Sisirkumar Mandal3
Pages 221-229
A Review and Acute Oral Toxicity Study of Asystasia variabilis Trim - A
Medicinal Plant used by Folklore Practitioners
and Padigar Shrikanth2
A Case Study on Ankylosing Spondylitis
Nagaraj S1,
Rajalakshmi M G2 and Shashank M3*
Critical Review on Artificial Food Preservatives and their Impact on Health
w.s.r. Dushivisha
Amrita Baidya1*
and S S Suryawanshi2
Role of Sakshaudra Nimbadi Ghrita in Symptomatic Relief of Dushtavrana
Diwakar Patel1*
and V.P. Ukhalkar2
Nidanatmaka Study on Vyana Bala Vaishamya w.s.r. to Hypertension
Ghuraiya1*, Pawankumar Godatwar2
and SisirkumarMandal3
Anatomical interpretation of Siddhasana as per Gheranda Samhita
Janinjith C1*
and Sunil Kumar2
Ayurgenomics-The New Insight in Preventive Approach for Life Style
Parul Sharma1*
and Bhushan Sharma2
Third Head of Biceps Brachii-A Case Report
Seetharama1* and Sutariya Manoj2
Yonikandu: A Case Study
Seetharama1* and Sutariya Manoj2
A Clinical Evaluation of Bhrashta Sarshapa Kalka, Hinguleeya Manikya Rasa
and Combined Therapy in Vicharchika
Sushmitha V S1*,
Radhika Ranjan Geethesh P2, Seema MB3, Prabhakara
Upadhyaya Renjal4 and Ravindra Angadi5
A Conceptual Study on Apasmara (Epilepsy) and its Management with Ayurveda
Singh Anil
A Clinical Study on Assessment of Dosha Vruddhi, Kshaya and Prakopa
Lakshanas in Madhumeha (Diabetes Mellitus Type2)
Maharjan1*, Ajantha2, Arun
Raj MN3 and Geetha Nayak4
Preliminary Phytochemical Analysis of Stem bark of Asoka
-Saraca asoca (Roxb.)
de Wilde
Asha S Raj1*
and Sara Monsy Oommen2
A Diagnostic Approach on Pleural Effusion w.s.r to Urasthoya
- A Review
Rijin Mohan1*,
Vishnu C P2, Sharada Sphoorthi Y3, and Gopikrishna S4
A Review on Sahasrayoga
Vasudevan1*, Krishnendu O Nambiar2,
Rekha J3, Radhika Ranjan Geethesh P4, Ravindra Angadi5
An Analysis of Virechana Karma with Hridya Virechana Leha in the Management
of Psoriasis
Cyrus Neupane1*
and Niranjan Rao2
A Comparative Clinical Study of Yogabasti with Dhanwantaram Taila,
Dashamooladi Kwatha and Trayodasanga Guggulu in the Management of Gridhrasi
with special reference to Lumbar Radiculopathy
Pradeep Kumar
Moharana1* and Anita Patel2
Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Hingula(Cinnabar) purified with Ardraka
Swarasa (Juice of Zingiber officinale Rosc.)
Sushanta Kumar
Meher1*, Arun Kumar Das2,
Rabinarayan Acharya3 and Sushil Kumar Meher4