Journal of Ayurveda and Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Volume 10, Issue 3, 2019
May 2019)
Ayurveda Approach in the Management of Sciatica with Neurological Deficits:
A Case Study
Kapil Sharma1*, Gopesh Mangal2 and Anil Soni3
Pages 1-7
Quality Standardization of Dooshivishari Agada
Gundakalle1*. Mahesh. P. Savalgimath2,
Ajit.C. Lingayat3 and Shrutika S. Karoshi4
Pages 8-14
A Comprehensive Review of A Multi-Faceted Drug: Guduchi (Tinospora
cordifolia Willd.)
Sharma1* and A. Rama Murthy2
Pages 15-26
A Controlled Clinical Study to Evaluate the Efficacy of Aasana and
Pathyaahara in Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
Anju K Bhardwaj1*,
Kamalesh Kumar Sharma2 and Hetal H Dave3
Pages 27-38
Credible Mode of Action of Agnikarma in Musculosketetal Pain Disorders
Deepmala Deb1*,
Champak Medhi2 and Namita Baishya3
Pages 39-44
Importance of Rutucharya in Maintenance of Health - A Critical Analysis
Guruprasad K1*
and Sandeep V Binorkar2
Pages 45-53
History of Wound Treatment during Ancient Indian Civilization
Pankaj Kumar
Barman1*, Hareswar Mahanta2
and Dhaneswar Kalita3
Pages 54-58
Concept of Guna of Tridoshaa and Regulatory Mechanism
Singh Rajani1*
and Rath Sudipta Kumar2
Pages 59-72
Study on Yavani Arka Prepared by following Three Different References
Shweta Paul1*,
Karunanidhi Sharma2 and Parimi Suresh3
Pages 73-81
Morphological Consideration of Osseous Tissue in Ayurveda` with its Applied
Sultana1*, Tikendrajit Sarma2 and Pranabjyoti Baishya3
Pages 82-89
Management of Psoriasis on the Basis of Ayurveda Principles - A Case Report
Sunil Kumar1*
and Deepti2
Pages 90-99
A Conceptual Study on Effect of Virechan Karma with Trivruttadi Yog in
Management of Amlapitta
Ashwini1*, Nakade Mamta2, Pachkavade Ganesh3
and Changade Jayashri4
Pages 100-108
Clinical Evaluation of Khadira Kshaya as Kawala in the management of POST
(Post-operative sore throat) Due to Tracheal Intubation under General
Abhishek Sharma1*, Ankush Jagota2 and Charu Supriya3
Pages 109-119
Hingulottha Parada: A Traditional Mercury Extraction Method
Anamika Shukla1*
and Jyoti Singh2
Pages 120-124
Critical Analysis of Pranapratyagamana w.s.r. to Neonatal Resuscitation:
Classical & Modern View
Priyanka Triwedi1* and Rakesh Sharma2
Pages 125-131
Ayurvedic Management of Intratonsillar Abscess: A Case Study
Isha Jain1* and Shamsa Fiaz2
Pages 132-139
A Conceptual Review on Dosage of Rasayana Formulations
Amrutha O P1*, Govinda Sharma K2
and Gazala Hussain3
Pages 140-150
Management of Asrigdara through Ayurveda: A Case Study
Pinky Chauhan1*, SonuVerma2,
Sushila Sharma3 and Heena Mewara4
Pages 151-157
An Overview of Arka (Calotropis procera (Ait) R.Br.)
Singh Dilip Kumar1* and Kotecha Mita2
Pages 158-166
A Randomised Controlled Trial to Evaluate the Effect of Agnikarma with Guda
(Jaggary) and Panchaloha Shalaka in Janusandhigata Vata on Pain
Hanumanth. M. Bagi1* and Pradeep S.
Pages 167-177
A Review on Vyayama as Hetu Vipareetha Upashaya in Madhumeha (Diabetes
Mellitus Type 2)
Geetha Nayak S1*, Ajantha2,
Anuradha B3, Anand S4
Pages 178-186
The Effect of Virechan and Swarnamakshik Bhasm in Psoriasis- A Case Study
Solanke S G1*, Chawre S V2,
Kamre S S3 and Kabra P R4
Pages 187-193
Understanding of Shukravaha Srotodushti with Samanya Srotodushti Prakara
Rijin Mohan1*, Nandesh Mohan2,
Vishnu C P3 and Gopikrishna. S4
Pages 194-202
Effect of Ayurvedic Preconceptional Care as a Fertility Solution for a
Couple Advised for IUI - A Case Report
Anilkumar Kala Akhila1*, Parvathy
Unnikrishnan2, Anjaly
Muraleedharan3 and Hemavathi Shivapura Krishnarajabhatt4
Pages 203-212
Udavarta Yonivyapada
Sunita Temhunna1*, Kamna Singh2
and Rashmi Tiwari3
Pages 213-219
Age Related Macular Degeneration: A Case Study
Shashi Prakash Gupta1*, D. B. Vaghela2
and Surendra Kumar3
Pages 220-226
Irritable Bowel Syndrome: An Ayurveda Perspective
Manalisha Devi1* and Kanika Goswami2
Pages 227-234
Recent Updates in Arka Kalpana
Anjali D1*, Govinda Sharma.K2,
Vinay R Kadibagil3 and Sree lakshmi K4
Pages 235-246
Analytical Study of Charvak Darshanin Current Perspective
Sunil K Sharma1*, Govind Pareek2, Mithilesh K. Sah3,
Kunal Ojha4 and Niddhi Sharma5
Pages 247-256
?Rasayana?- A Multidimensional Therapy: A Critical Review
Ashok Kumar Mahato1*, Rajkumar Chinthala2 and A S Baghel3
Pages 257-274
Pharmacognostical and Pharmaceutical Evaluation of Shalaparni Granules
Pankaj Rathore1*, A B Thakar2,
Harisha CR3, V J Shukla4, Adil Rais5
Pages 275-280
Development of Anatomy (Rachana Sharir) - View of Student
Bhardwaj Priyanka1*, Mehta Sahil2
Sharma and Mukesh Kumar3
Pages 281-288
Preparation and Standardization of Vyanganashaka Lepa and its Face Pack
Manali Anil Visaria1* and Sheela
Pages 289-294
Essentials of Cardiac Physiology ? An Ayurved Aspect
Aniket A. Shilwant1* and Rahul V. Magare2
Pages 295-306
Consequence Impact of Bhavana in Ayurvedic Pharmaceutics ? A Conceptual
Parween Bano1*, Dev Raj Kshetri2
and K Shankar Rao3
Pages 307-316
Generic Advancements in Basti
Karishma Singh1*and Gopesh Mangal2
Pages 317-326
Pharmacognostical & Pharmaceutical Evaluation of Apamarga Mula Yonivarti
Yadav Rachana1*, Dei Laxmipriya2,
Harisha C R3 and Shukla V J4
Pages 327-332
Non Hormonal Treatment of Hyperprolactenamia - A Case Study
Madhu. M*
Pages 333-338
A Comparative Clinical Study of Takra Dhara and Taila Dhara in the
Management of Essential Hypertension
Manjunath Kanthi*
Pages 339-353
Conceptual Study of Shatkriyakala w.s.r to Cell Injury
Afreen Siddiqui1*, Gitanjali Sasmal2
and Vinay Bhardwaj3
Pages 354-362
Importance of Raktdhatu in Tissue Level Respiration w.s.r. to Premature
Vishal Shamrao Patil1* and Manisha V.
Pages 363-369
Management of Mandal Kushtha (Psoriasis) with Swarnakshiri Swaras and Lepa ?
A Case Study
Komal Dharkar1*, Ganesh Tekale2
and Sudhir Deshpande3
Pages 370-376
Drug Absorption through the Skin ? An Ancient and Modern View
Arpitha Shetty1* and Nithin Kumar2
Pages 377-384
Effective Management of Chronic Allergic Rhinitis through Ayurveda
Anshul1*, Alok Srivastava2, Dinesh Badwal3 and
Priyanka Sharma4
Pages 385-390
An Overview on Divine Herb Apamarga (Achyranthes aspera Linn.)
Gurjar Hemwati1* and Kotecha Mita2
Pages 391-408
A Clinical Study on Nimba Teekshna Pratisaraneeya Kshara in the Management
of Internal Haemorrhoids
Ram Sinha1* and Hemantha Kumar2
Pages 409-416
A Comprehensive review on the Preventive and Curative aspects of Vyayama
Muhsina M1, Leena P Nair2, Sri. Ramadas PV3,
and Haroon Irshad4*
Pages 417-429
An Ayurvedic Perspective on the Effects of Shashtikashali-Pinda Sweda in the
Management of Muscular Dystrophies: A Conceptual Study
Roshni Dhurve*
Pages 430-434
Clinical evaluation of Antimicrobial activity of Kantakari (Solanum
xanthocarpum Schrad & Wendl) in Lower Urinary Tract Infection (Mutrakruchchra)
Shintre Sayali1*, Ramteke Ashok2
and Shelke Rajashree3
Pages 435-442
Clinical Study on the Therapeutic Effect of Dashanga Gugglu and Shothaghna
Lepa in Janusandhigata Vata w.s.r. Osteoarthritis
Ramesh Prasad Gupta1* and B.B. Khutia2
Pages 443-451
Etiopathological Study of Madhumeha and its Complication; Prevention through
Yoga and Ayurveda
Chandrakar Yogita1*, Singh Kamna2
and Sharma Pooja3
Pages 452-461
An Appraisal on Jihwa Pareeksha
Anuradha B1*, Ajantha2,
Geetha Nayak3 and Anand S4
Pages 462-470