International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharmaceutical Chemistry
(A peer reviewed journal dedicated to allied Sciences)
e ISSN - 2350-0204
UGC No. (old) 43112 (2018-19) for authors reference only
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Volume 22, Issue 1, 2025

  1. Proctological Principles from Ancient India - A Study of Sushruta Samhitas Arsha Nidana Evam Chikitsa Adhyaya

Tejas Mishra1* , Saurabh Kumar2 , Bhoomi Soni3 and Sameep Singh4

Pages 1-11

  1. Rasayana: An Eminent Approach for Health Advocacy

Manaswini Singh1* and Rajesh Sharma2

Pages 12-23

  1. Role of Yashtimadhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra) in Manas Roga

Swati Kansal1* , Pushpendra Yadav2 and and Piyush Bhatt3

Pages 46-55

  1. A critical Review of Patrapinda SWEDA in the Management of Cerebral Palsy

Kurre Pallavi1* , Chandravanshi Lowkesh2 , Rathia Satyawati3 , Kadam Vitthal Kerdas4 and Nayak Renuka5

Pages 56-67

  1. The Pharmacognostical and Pharmaceutical evaluation of Sri Bahusala Guda – An Ayurvedic Formulation

Elakkiyaselvi V1* , Prathiviraj Puranik2 and Nagaratna.S.Jartarghar3

Pages 75-82

  1. Preparation and Physicochemical Evaluation of Grahanibeelu Leha

Pratibha Irappa Mayakar1* , Nagaratna S. Jartarghar2 , Ravikrishna S3 and Chithralekha4

Pages 83-90

  1. The Antimicrobial Effect of Tutthakadi Malahara Topically in Dushtavrana: A Case Report

Laya Prakash1* , Aneesh S MS2 and Sreelekha M P3

Pages 98-107

  1. Agnikarma with Kshoudra in the Management of De Quervain’s Disease - A Case Study

Dany V Das1* , Sreelekha M P2 and Aneesh S3

Pages 108-115

  1. Healing Effect of Aragwadhadi Varthi in Pilonidal Sinus - A Case Report

Arjun Vijay1* , C S Sivakumar2 and Aneesh S3

Pages 116-121

  1. Dietary Interventions for Chronic Wound Care: A Systematic Review of Pathya Apathya in Dushta Vrana

Sameep Singh1* , Saurabh Kumar2 , Bhoomi Soni3 and Deepanshu Mishra4

Pages 122-128

  1. The Science of Piercing: A Critical Analysis of Viddhakarma and Its Contemporary Implications

Laxmi Dixit1* , Bhoomi Soni2 , Saurabh kumar3 and Sameep Singh4

Pages 129-135

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